Sunday, October 10, 2010

Am I the Only One Not Excited for Test Drive Unlimited 2?

A little while ago one of my friends was all excited to show me the new trailer for Test Drive Unlimited 2. So I preceded to watch the trailer with no preconceived ideas about the game.

It did not take me very long to realize that I was not really liking the way the looked. It was pretty much a sandbox game and as many of probably already know, sandbox games and I do not go very well together. So I wasn't surprised that my friend is hyped about this game because he loves sandbox games, especially Grand Theft Auto. After discovering that this game was pretty much the genre of game that I lost interest relatively quickly.

In the video it seemed that the game was more about customizing completely irrelevant things, like your characters clothes and house than actually driving cars. The game looked essentially like a Playstation Home, which was a big disappointment. I don't know if it's just me but I buy a racing game to race not to make my avatar look pretty. I don't get why the game is trying to be something it's not, it's called Test Drive for crying out loud, as in driving cars not selecting some new skinny jeans and a polo shirt. This has lead me to the conclusion that I am simply going to walk by Test Drive Unlimited 2 when if it's in my local EB games because I feel that it really isn't worth my time.

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